We are grateful for the advice and support of our board of internationally renowned scholars in the field of ethics who lend their expertise and experience to developing the centre.
Professor Akira Akabayashi, Professor at the Department of Biomedical Ethics, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Professor Robert Audi, Professor of Philosophy and David E. Gallo Professor of Business Ethics, University of Notre Dame
Professor Allen Buchanan, James B Duke Professor of Philosophy and James B Duke Professor of Public and Policy Studies, Duke University
Professor Arthur Caplan, Emanuel and Robert Hart Professor of Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania
Professor Ruth Chadwick, Distinguished Research Professor, Director of CESAGen ESRC, University of Cardiff
Mr Robert Champion de Crespigny, Chairman, Mineral Securities Limited
Professor Ruth Faden, Executive Director, The Phoebe R. Berman Bioethics Institute, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Professor Jonathan Glover, Professor of Ethics, Kings College London
Professor Masaki Ichinose, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo
Professor Ryuichi Ida, Chair, UNESCO IBC, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University
Professor Dale Jamieson, Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy, New York University
Professor Frances Kamm, Littauer Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Professor Jeff McMahan, White's Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Oxford
Professor Tom Murray, President of the Hastings Center
Professor Toru Nishigaki, Professor of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo
Professor Peter Sheehan, Director, Center for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University
Professor Susumu Shimazono, Professor in the Department of Religious Studies of the University of Tokyo
Professor Peter Singer, Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics University Center for Human Values, Princeton University
Professor Daniel Wikler, Professor of Ethics and Population Health, Mary B. Saltonstall Professor of Population Ethics and Professor of Ethics and Population Health