Synthetic Biology

Synthetic biology is a new discipline that lies at the interface of information technology and molecular developmental biology. It aims to apply rational engineering principles to the creation of biological organisms, sub-systems or their components. Synthetic biology is rapidly emerging as one of the most promising fields of science and technology, with the potential to deliver enormous benefits in areas such as pharmaceuticals, energy, agriculture, pollution and climate change. Significant milestones achieved in the field to date include the de novo synthesis of functional viruses, the creation of a novel lineage of bacterium from a wholly synthetic bacterial genome, and the compiling of a registry of ‘standard biological parts’ which synthetic biologists aim to use as the building blocks for synthetic organisms and sub-systems designed for a wide range of human purposes. In the not too distant future, it is likely that humans will be able to engage in the large-scale design and creation of forms of life that have never existed on this planet and which are exquisitely tailored for human purposes. The proliferation of potentially inexpensive synthetic life technology, including the capacity for digital design and manufacture of DNA sequences from scratch, raises a number of social and ethical issues.
Concerns raised to date include that release of synthetic life forms might unintentionally damage existing ecosystems, that the creation of life by synthetic biologists is a particularly problematic form of 'playing God', and that synthetic biology might encourage reductionistic views about life, perhaps by undermining our everyday distinction between living things and machines.
Arguably, though, the most important concern, at least in the short to medium term, relates to the intentional misuse of synthetic biology. There exists the possibility that synthetic biologists will discover new and much less resource- and expertise-intensive ways of synthesizing known human pathogens, such as the smallpox virus. Small groups, or even rogue individuals, might then be able to create dangerous biological weapons. Synthetic biologists might also acquire the ability to produce pathogens more dangerous than any that have so far existed. Certain kinds of progress in synthetic biology could thus elevate the risk of devastating biological attacks, whether by terrorists of state-sponsored militaries. A challenge is to reduce this risk without foregoing beneficial applications of synthetic biology.
Further into the future, it is possible that synthetic biology might create issues relating to the proper treatment of synthetic entities. Though in the short term synthetic biologists are unlikely to produce biological systems much more complex than plants or bacterial colonies, in the longer term they may be able to produce highly sophisticated and unusual 'organisms'. Imagine a biological computer constructed from synthetic human nerve cells. It might be extremely difficult to ascertain how such an entity ought to be treated by people. Could such a machine be used merely as an instrument to satisfy our own goals, as we would use an ordinary computer? Or would it be owed some kind of respect?
- Kagan, B., Gyngell, C., Lysaght, T., Cole D, V., Sawai, T. and Savulescu, J., 'The technology, opportunities, and challenges of Synthetic Biological Intelligence', Biotechnology Advances, Vol: 68(November): Article 108233 [PMC7615149]
- Schaefer, G. O. and Savulescu, J., (2014), 'The Ethics of Producing In Vitro Meat', Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol: 31(2): 188-202. [open access]
- Douglas, T., Powell, R. and Savulescu, J., (2013), 'Is the creation of artificial life morally significant?' Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Vol: 44(4 (Part B)): 688–696. (4th most downloaded article from ScienceDirect in 90 day period) [open access]
- Anderson, J., Strelkowa, N., Stan, G., Douglas, T., Savulescu, J., Barahona, M. and Papachristodoulou, A., (2012), 'Engineering and ethical perspectives in synthetic biology', EMBO Reports, Vol: 13: 584 - 590 [open access]
- Douglas, T. and Savulescu, J. (2010), 'Synthetic biology and the ethics of knowledge', Originally published in Journal of Medical Ethics. Included in Obama Bioethics Commission Briefing Book for meeting on 8-9 July 2010,
- Douglas, T. and Savulescu, J. (2010), 'Synthetic biology and the ethics of knowledge', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol: 36(11) pp. 687-693 [open access]
- Savulescu, J., (2016), 'Ethics and genetics: opening the book of life', The Guardian's Science Weekly (25 October). [podcast]
- Visit Sciencexpress website for more information on Venter's paper "Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome".
Commenting on the paper, Julian Savulescu writes "Venter is creaking open the most profound door in humanity’s history, potentially peeking into its destiny. He is not merely copying life artificially as Wilmut did or modifying it radically by genetic engineering. He is going towards the role of a god: creating artificial life that could never have existed naturally. Creating life from the ground up using basic building blocks. At the moment it is basic bacteria just capable of replicating. This is a step towards something much more controversial: creation of living beings with capacities and natures that could never have naturally evolved. The potential is in the far future, but real and significant: dealing with pollution, new energy sources, new forms of communication. But the risks are also unparalleled. We need new standards of safety evaluation for this kind of radical research and protections from military or terrorist misuse and abuse. These could be used in the future to make the most powerful bioweapons imaginable. The challenge is to eat the apple without choking on the worm." - Longer comment by Tom Douglas and Julian Savulescu available here.
- View powerpoint presentation 'Synthetic Biology and the Dual-Use Dilemma' by Tom Douglas and Julian Savulescu (2009).
- Blog: Practical Ethics provides a daily ethical analysis of the latest developments in science, technology and other current affairs. Click here for our blogs relating to synthetic biology.
- Savulescu, J., (2012), 'Master the New Loom Before Life’s Tapestry Unravels at our Hands'. Times Higher Education Supplement (19 April)§ioncode=26
- Douglas, T. (2010), Television Segment on the creation of bacteria with a synthetic genome. Sky News (20 & 21 May )
- Savulescu, J. (2010), Interviewed on ‘Radio Planet – The World We Will Live In’, Radio Romania, about artificial life and other research interests. (1 June)
- Savulescu, J. (2010), Quoted in ‘Scientists create artificial life in laboratory’ article, The Times (21 May )
- Savulescu, J. (2010), Wrote article ‘Should we call a moratorium on the development of artificial life?’ for ‘Burning Question’ section of BBC Focus Magazine (May )
- Savulescu, J. (2010), Article ‘Should we call a moratorium on the development of artificial life?’ published in BBC Knowledge (BBC U.S. magazine) (June )
- Savulescu, J. (2010), ‘A matter of synthetic life and death: Venter's artificial organism invention is fraught with peril’ invited special opinion piece for New York Daily News (26 May )
- Savulescu, J. (2010), Quoted in article ‘'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists’ BBC News online (21 May )
- Savulescu, J. and Douglas, T. (2010), Co-authored article ‘Artificial life means man can truly play God’ for ABC Unleashed (online) (21 May )
- Savulescu, J. (2010), Romanian website - interview re. Venter's 'artificial life'
- Newshour: Creating artificial life, BBC World Service, 20 May 2010, 21:14 [interview with Julian Savulescu: 8.39-12:49 on iPlayer clock]
- Scientists Create Synthetic Life In Lab, Sky News Online, Katie Cassidy: 11:57pm UK, 20 May 2010 [interview with Tom Douglas at 1:30 on Sky News player clock]
- Synthetic life breakthrough brings new concerns, The World Today, Simon Lauder : 21 May 2010 12:10:00, , [Julian Savulescu commentary at clock counter 1:43]
- Synthetic cell sparks debate among James Martin School scholars James Martin 21st Century School: News & Research Highlights: 21 May 2010
- Podcast: Julian Savulescu discussing Craig Venter's synthetic bacterium, Interview with Nigel Warburton on Virtual Philosopher: 21 May 2010
- Radio programme: "To the Point", KCRW radio , , Syndicated US current affairs programme, hosted by Warren Olney: 25 May 2010. Other panelists included David Biello, an editor with Scientific American magazine; Clyde Hutchison, a microbiologist with the Craig Venter Institute, David Baltimore, president emeritus of Cal Tech University and a Nobel Prize winner in physiology or biology; and John Moreno, a professor of ethics at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics.
- BBC 10 o’clock News – Paul Freemont, Richard Kitney, Julian Savulescu at 11.00
- ITN News – Richard Kitney, Julian Savulescu
- BBC Radio 4 PM – Julian Savulescu at 32.00
- BBC World Service, 20/05/2010, 21:14, [8.39 on iPlayer clock]
- CNN, 21/05/2010, 1:01pm & 22/05/2010, 00:33am
- BBC Radio4, 21/05/2010, 00:02
- BBC Radio1, 21/05/2010, 04:29
- BBC Radio Ulster, As Radio 5 Live, 21/05/2010, 05:06
- BBC Radio5, 21/05/2010, 05:06
- Radio: Malcolm Boyden, BBC Radio Oxford, 21/05/2010, 07:01
- Scotsman: quotes from Julian Savulescu, Ian Wilmut
- BBC Online: quotes from Julian Savulescu, Gos Micklem
- interview with Savulescu (in Romanian)
- Daily Mail: quotes from Julian Savulescu
- Financial Times: quotes from Julian Savulescu
- Telegraph: quotes from Julian Savulescu
- Guardian: quotes from Julian Savulescu
- Independent: quotes from Julian Savulescu, Douglas Kell
- Times: quotes from Julian Savulescu, Paul Freemont
- Metro: quotes from Julian Savulescu
- Sun: quotes from Julian Savulescu, Paul Freemont, Douglas Kell
- Daily Express: quotes from Julian Savulescu
- Scotsman: quotes from Julian Savulescu, Ian Wilmut
- BBC Online: quotes from Julian Savulescu, Gos Micklem
- Daily Mail: quotes from Julian Savulescu
- Financial Times: quotes from Julian Savulescu
- Telegraph: quotes from Julian Savulescu
- Times Online: quotes from Julian Savulescu, Paul Freemont
- Sky Online: Tom Douglas
- Sun: quotes from Julian Savulescu
- Sun: quotes from Julian Savulescu, Paul Freemont, Douglas Kell
- Daily Mirror: quotes Mark Downs
- Daily Express: quotes from Julian Savulescu
- The Sunday Times: quotes Julian Savulescu (p. 12, 23/05/10) Article on 'Synthia', the world's first synthetic life form
- The Independent On Sunday: quotes Julian Savulescu (p. 56, Steve Connor, 23/05/10) God's little helper - with a knack for ruffling feathers
- The Guardian: quotes Julian Savulescu (p. 38 , Ken MacLeod, 22/05/10) Humanity will thank heaven that this creator of synthetic life is playing God
- Daily Mail: quotes Julian Savulescu ( p. 1, Fiona MacRae, 21/05/10)
- The Times: quotes Julian Savulescu (p. 3, Mark Henderson, 21/05/10)
- Scientists create synthetic life form with a computer and four bottles of chemicals
- Daily Mail: quotes Julian Savulescu ( p. 1, Fiona MacRae, 21/05/10)
- The Times: quotes Julian Savulescu (p. 3, Mark Henderson, 21/05/10) Also includes comment from Oxford University’s Ben Davis.
- Scientists create synthetic life form with a computer and four bottles of chemicals Financial Times, p. 1, Clive Cookson, 21/05/10
- Man who played God? Artificial life raises scientific hopes - and fears The Guardian, p. 9, Ian Sample, 21/05/10