Our Practical Ethics blog provides a regular ethical analysis of news events written by authors drawn from researchers and staff in centres based at the Philosophy Faculty, University of Oxford, and occasionally from invited guest authors. We focus on current events with practical ethical relevance, including developments in science and technology, environmental policy, public health, and information ethics.
The Practical Ethics in the News Blog aims to encourage cutting edge philosophical analysis of current events and key academic research in an accessible way. The goal is to promote dialogue and debate. The arguments presented are entirely the authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the University of Oxford or any of its Departments or Centres.
Comments Policy
We encourage readers of our blog, including those who do not have a background in philosophy or ethics, to respond to posts and to engage in debate with our authors, and with each other. Comments should be polite, concise and relevant to the topic. Authors will respond to comments where possible, though may not respond to comments on old posts. Please note that there may be a delay between submitting a comment and your comment appearing on the blog, as the spam filter process can take time.
We welcome debate and dissent, but will delete comments that are abusive, defamatory, off-topic or spam. We will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia or other forms of hate-speech, or contributions that could be interpreted as such.
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