Alberto Giubilini (PhD 2010, University of Milan) is a philosopher and Senior Research Fellow at the Uehiro Oxford Institute. He works mostly in public health ethics and medical ethics (particularly conscientious objection in healthcare). He is project manager for the Oxford team of the EU funded CAVAA project, investigating ethical implications of AI awareness. He has a co-authored book on Rethinking Conscientious Objection in Health Care (Oxford University Press 2025), one on The Ethics of Vaccination (Palgrave MacMillan 2019), and, in Italian, La Morale al Tempo della Bioetica (Morality in the Time of Bioethics) (Le Lettere 2011).
Forthcoming publications (in print):
- BOOK: Giubilini, Schuklenk, Minerva, Savulescu, Rethinking Conscientious Objection in Health Care, Oxford University Press, 2025. Digital version available Open Access here
- JOURNAL ARTICLE: It is not about AI, it is about humans. Responsibility gaps and medical AI, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, forthcoming
- CHAPTER: Should religion be permitted a seat at the table of bioethics? The case of abortion. In Smith, K. (ed.). Bioethics and Religion. Exploring the Intersection. Springer 2025
- CHAPTER Moral and political obligations in a pandemic. In Klosko, G. (ed). Oxford Handbook of Political Obligations, Oxford University Press, 2025