Announcing the Finalists in the 11th National Uehiro Oxford Essay Prize in Practical Ethics!

Time and date

Tuesday 18th March, 5:30pm – 7:45pm. 


The Final will be held in the Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre, St Anne's College, 56 Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6HS, followed by a drinks reception until 7:45 pm.

Register to attend

All are welcome to attend the final and are warmly invited to join the finalists for a drinks reception after the event.  Please register by the 18th March.

Register to attend in-person

If you are unable to join the event in person, the presentation section will be presented as a hybrid zoom webinar.

Register for the Zoom webinar

The Finalists

Undergraduate Finalists

Elizabeth McCabe: Silencing Queer Signals: How cultural misuse prevents the expression of queerness 

Rahul Lakhanpaul: Social Media, Epistemic Threats, and the Threat to Autonomy

Graduate Finalists

Esther Braun: Are requests for assisted dying motivated by poverty autonomous?

Arjan Heir: Promises and Consent: The Moral Permissibility of Accepting a Promise to Perform an Act That Requires Contemporaneous Consent

Honourable Mention


Artur Littner: The Duty to Have Courage: Developing the Theory of Epistemic Injustice
Nicole Chinenyenwa Oboko: Bring Back Shame: Does the Ethical Value of Shame Justify Shaming?


Sasha Arridge: “You nearly killed me!” Casual Contribution and Responsibility For Things That Don’t Happen
Edward Lamb: Justifying exclusion from public sport
Beatrice Marchegiani: An autonomy-based argument for the permissibility of (some) prenatal injuries