The Winners of the 11th National Uehiro Oxford Essay Prize in Practical Ethics

The Winners

finalists and judges essay prize

L-R: Prof. Roger Crisp, Arjan Heir, Dr Hazem Zohny, Esther Braun, Elizabeth McCabe, Rahul Lakhanpaul, Dr Sanja Šćepanović

This year's Final was held in the Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre, St Anne's College.  We had a great turnout for the event and the judges were very impressed by the quality of the presentations! 

During the final the four finalists presented their papers and ideas to an audience and responded to a short Q&A as the deciding round in the competition, and the winners are:

Undergraduate Winner

Rahul Lakhanpaul: Social Media, Epistemic Threats, and the Threat to Autonomy

Graduate Winner

Esther Braun: Are requests for assisted dying motivated by poverty autonomous?

Runners up & Honourable Mentions

Undergraduate Finalist

Elizabeth McCabe: Silencing Queer Signals: How cultural misuse prevents the expression of queerness 

Graduate Finalist

Arjan Heir: Promises and Consent: The Moral Permissibility of Accepting a Promise to Perform an Act That Requires Contemporaneous Consent

Undergraduate Honourable Mentions

Artur Littner: The Duty to Have Courage: Developing the Theory of Epistemic Injustice
Nicole Chinenyenwa Oboko: Bring Back Shame: Does the Ethical Value of Shame Justify Shaming?

Graduate Honourable Mentions

Sasha Arridge: “You nearly killed me!” Casual Contribution and Responsibility For Things That Don’t Happen
Edward Lamb: Justifying exclusion from public sport
Beatrice Marchegiani: An autonomy-based argument for the permissibility of (some) prenatal injuries